Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chance Operation

For the chance operation assignment I started off by asking my dad to bring me some paint in “cool tones” from the chemical recycling center near his workplace. So in the very beginning I had limited input as to the specific colors of paint other than trying to explain to my dad what cool tones were. I then used a card display board as canvas. I rolled a 10 sided die twice and took the two numbers to determine the size of the grid. I marked the grid on with a marker to the board. The grid came out to be 6 by 9. I then gather 6 instruments (to full the sides of a die). I had a teakettle, small measuring cup, funnel, large measuring cup, a paint brush and several straws taped together. I had gathered up white and black paints to complete a 10 sided die had. I then had my sister roll the dice to first determine the instrument, paint color then location on the grid. I went on like this until I had covered the entire surface. It is also interesting to note the texture of the paints, since I had acquired them from basicly “the dump” a few were old and chunky. While a few others were extremely runny (yes I mixed them as best as I could). As to how I applied the paint I laid the cardboard on the ground and dropped the paint from arms height. Which removed a great deal of accuracy as where the painted landed. I scooped, poured and in the instance of the straws blew(spattered) paint.

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